The GAT-X105 Strike Gundam is one of the most iconic designs in the Gundam SEED universe, and its creation marked a milestone in the technological evolution of Mobile Suits. This mecha is not only kno...
The One Year War, an epic conflict that shaped the future of the Gundam universe, is characterized by its violence, intensity, and the evolution of its characters. At the heart of this struggle is the...
The MS-06 Zaku II, the iconic Mobile Suit of the Principality of Zeon, has left an indelible mark on the history of the Gundam universe. From its conception to its impact on the conflict between the E...
The MS-07 Gouf is one of the most iconic Mobile Suits in the Gundam universe, especially known for its presence during the One Year War. This mecha, designed by the Principality of Zeon, is a clear ex...
The Gundam saga, which has captured the imagination of millions of fans worldwide, begins with the legendary RX-78-2 Gundam. This iconic Mobile Suit not only marked the start of a new era in science f...