Gilbert Durandal is a fictional character from the universe of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, a Japanese anime series that is part of the Gundam franchise. Released in 2004, the series is a direct s...
The War of Independence of the PLANTs marked a turning point in the history of interstellar conflicts. Amid this struggle for freedom and autonomy, technology played a fundamental role. Among all the ...
Space, that vast and dark void, has long been a source of fascination and fear for humanity. In the universe of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, part of the timeline known as Cosmic Era, space becomes the sta...
In the vast universe of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, one figure stands out not only for her lineage but for her courage and steadfastness in defending her ideals. Cagalli Yula Athha, adoptive daughter of ...
Athrun Zala is one of the most complex and fascinating characters in the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED universe. As the son of an influential politician from the Earth Alliance, a member of the Earth Allian...
The War of Independence of the PLANTs stands as one of the most significant and controversial episodes in the contemporary history of humanity and space colonies. This conflict, which pitted the self-...
In the vast universe of the Cosmic Era, few names resonate as strongly as Lacus Clyne’s. She was not only a key figure in the conflicts that defined this era but also a symbol of hope, empathy, and de...
Kira Yamato is one of the most iconic characters in the Gundam Seed saga, set in the Cosmic Era (CE)—one of the most impactful timelines in the Gundam universe. This young pilot, seemingly ordinary in...
The Cosmic Era, the age of humanity expanding beyond Earth and into the vast universe, marked a fundamental turning point in human history in the world of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. Within this period o...
Allelujah Haptism is one of the central characters in Mobile Suit Gundam 00, an anime that redefined the mecha genre by exploring complex themes such as global politics, internal conflicts, and the st...
When we think of the universe of Mobile Fighter G Gundam, one of the characters that shines brightly is Sai Saici. This young fighter, representing Neo China, brings a mix of skill, humor, and determi...
The MG Gundam Providence 1/100 is an impressive addition to Bandai’s Master Grade lineup, offering a faithful and detailed representation of one of the most iconic mobile suits from Mobile Suit Gundam...