The world of Gunpla, or Gundam Plastic Models, has significantly evolved since its creation in the 1980s, becoming a cultural phenomenon not only within Japan but also around the world. While it origi...
The world of Gunpla is a fascinating universe where creativity, patience, and technical skill intertwine to bring the iconic mecha from the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise to life. Over the years, this h...
The Gunpla universe, which combines the passion for the Mobile Suit Gundam anime with the art of model building, has captivated thousands of fans worldwide. For newcomers, choosing the right kit can f...
In the vast world of anime, few names resonate as strongly as Mobile Suit Gundam. Premiering in 1979, this series not only revolutionized science fiction and animation but also sowed the seeds for an ...
The GAT-X105 Strike Gundam is one of the most iconic designs in the Gundam SEED universe, and its creation marked a milestone in the technological evolution of Mobile Suits. This mecha is not only kno...
In the vast universe of Mobile Suit Gundam, the emblem of the Principality of Zeon holds a prominent place. This symbol not only represents the most iconic faction of the saga but also encapsulates va...
The One Year War is one of the most pivotal conflicts of the Universal Century, marked by technological advancements, political ambitions, and human tragedies. At the heart of this storm stood Degwin ...
The Mobile Suit Gundam saga is known for its deep reflections on war, humanity, and technology, but one of the most fascinating and complex elements within the franchise is the concept of Newtypes. In...
The influence of Mobile Suit Gundam on robot design in cinema and television has been undeniable since its debut in 1979. This franchise, which initially captivated Japanese audiences with its blend o...
The passion for Gundam has transcended the screen to become a cultural phenomenon that spans multiple creative disciplines. Two of these disciplines, Gunpla and cosplay, have developed a symbiotic rel...
The Zaku II is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and recognizable Mobile Suits in the Gundam universe. Since its first appearance in Mobile Suit Gundam in 1979, it has become a symbol not only of the...
In the expansive universe of Mobile Suit Gundam, few terms carry as much weight as Newtype. This concept defines certain characters while encapsulating one of the franchise's deepest and most philosop...