The One Year War is one of the most significant events in the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. This war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon marked the beginning of a conflict that wo...
In the vast universe of Gundam, few characters have left such a deep mark as Char Aznable, the charismatic and enigmatic military leader known as the "Red Comet." His evolution as a pilot and military...
The One Year War (also known as the First Space Colonization War) is one of the most iconic events in the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. This conflict marked the beginning of the series, introducing ico...
Judau Ashta, one of the most beloved characters in the Mobile Suit Gundam saga, is known for his indomitable spirit and his fight for freedom. From his first appearances in Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Juda...
The MS-06 Zaku II, the iconic Mobile Suit of the Principality of Zeon, has left an indelible mark on the history of the Gundam universe. From its conception to its impact on the conflict between the E...
In the Gundam universe, the Earth Federation faced one of its greatest threats with the Principality of Zeon during the One Year War, a conflict that brought with it an unprecedented arms race. This c...
The saga of Mobile Suit Gundam is not just a story about war, mechas, and interplanetary battles, but also about the development of complex characters and the evolution of their abilities amid chaos. ...
Heero Yuy , the enigmatic protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, is one of the most complex and memorable characters in the Gundam franchise. From his first appearance, his cold and calculating perso...
The history of the Earth Federation in the Gundam universe is, in many ways, a chronicle of ambition and adaptation. From its humble beginnings to becoming a formidable military force in space, the Fe...
The war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon marked an era in human history, and few moments are as iconic as the failed attack on Jaburo. In the Mobile Suit Gundam universe, Jabu...
The MS-07 Gouf is one of the most iconic Mobile Suits in the Gundam universe, especially known for its presence during the One Year War. This mecha, designed by the Principality of Zeon, is a clear ex...
Sayla Mass is a character who has left an indelible mark on the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. Although she often finds herself in the shadow of more prominent figures like her brother Char Aznable, her...