Sayla Mass is a character who has left an indelible mark on the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. Although she often finds herself in the shadow of more prominent figures like her brother Char Aznable, her...
In the universe of Mobile Suit Gundam, the Earth Federation represents one of the most powerful and complex political forces, set against a constant struggle for control of both Earth and the space co...
Origins and Early Appearances of Char Aznable In the vast universe of Gundam, few characters have had such a profound and lasting impact as Char Aznable. His charisma, complexity, and ambition have ma...
The Gundam saga, which has captured the imagination of millions of fans worldwide, begins with the legendary RX-78-2 Gundam. This iconic Mobile Suit not only marked the start of a new era in science f...
The Earth Federation serves as the political and military axis of the Gundam universe, a multifaceted and enigmatic entity that arose with the mission to unify humanity and lead its expansion beyond t...
The story of Amuro Ray, one of the most iconic characters in the Gundam universe, does not begin on the battlefield or aboard a powerful Mobile Suit. His journey to becoming a legendary pilot is forge...
If there’s one thing that defines the Gundam universe, it’s the eternal struggle between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. But how did this military power, which nearly drove humanity...