The Gundam franchise is known for its deep exploration of human nature through its complex characters and intense battles. However, it is in its dialogues where some of the most powerful lessons are f...
The Anno Domini (AD) timeline in Mobile Suit Gundam 00 paints a bleak picture of a near-future world where warfare and the struggle for energy resources have shaped the course of humanity. Before the ...
In the vast Gundam universe, each timeline offers a unique interpretation of how humanity confronts war, technology, and ethical dilemmas. Few timelines, however, are as directly connected to our real...
The Gundam franchise, created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise, is renowned for its vast and intricate world-building across multiple timelines. These timelines not only explore distinct stories and ch...
We're giving away this model. RG RX-78-2 Gundam Ver.2.0 You can see the review of this kit -- Here -- You have until December 9, 2024, at 00:00 hours to participate. Good luck! To enter the giveaway, ...
The RG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam Ver.2.0 is one of the most coveted gems among collectors and fans of the Gundam franchise. Released as part of the Real Grade (RG) series, this model not only represents th...
The Gundam franchise has thoroughly explored the complexities of war, morality, and human decisions. Through its various series, characters are caught in a whirlwind of violence, conflicting loyalties...
The concept of heroism has been a constant in human narrative, with the figure of the tragic hero representing one of the deepest and most complex forms of this archetype. In the Gundam franchise, the...
The Gunpla phenomenon (short for Gundam Plastic Model) has transcended the boundaries of physical modeling to find a special place in the world of video games. From simulators that recreate the experi...
The Gundam franchise is much more than epic space battles and imposing mechas. Through its various series, the stories have gifted us with memorable quotes that encapsulate inner struggles, ideals, an...
The Gundam franchise has not only left its mark on science fiction with spectacular battles and innovative designs, but also with memorable phrases that encapsulate the human, ethical, and emotional d...
The Gryps War, one of the most intense and complex episodes in the Gundam universe, stands out not only for its armed confrontations and epic battles but also for the intricate web of alliances and ri...