The MS-06 Zaku II, the iconic Mobile Suit of the Principality of Zeon, has left an indelible mark on the history of the Gundam universe. From its conception to its impact on the conflict between the E...
The war between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon marked an era in human history, and few moments are as iconic as the failed attack on Jaburo. In the Mobile Suit Gundam universe, Jabu...
The MS-07 Gouf is one of the most iconic Mobile Suits in the Gundam universe, especially known for its presence during the One Year War. This mecha, designed by the Principality of Zeon, is a clear ex...
Origins and Early Appearances of Char Aznable In the vast universe of Gundam, few characters have had such a profound and lasting impact as Char Aznable. His charisma, complexity, and ambition have ma...
If there’s one thing that defines the Gundam universe, it’s the eternal struggle between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. But how did this military power, which nearly drove humanity...